Triangle Circle

Valery Chtak, Kirill Kto, Kirill Makarov, Krasil Makar, Danila Tkachenko, Eva Arakcheeva, Ilya Ovsyannikov, Tanya Bashlakova, Ivan Boyko, Olesya Rubeko, Valerio Berruti, Jingge Dong, Keren Liang, Yirui Fang, Zehui Xu
May 28 – July 31 2024
This exhibition is dedicated to Valery Chtak.

November 2024 will mark 10 years of Triangle gallery. The anniversary is a good reason to look back and reflect on the gallery's place in the Russian art world. The survey exhibition unites artists who have already become stars and those who are at the beginning of this path confirming the Triangle`s mission - the search for talents and their presentation to the general public not only in Russia.

A special place in the history of the Triangle is occupied by Valery Chtak, who left us untimely on May 23 2024.

There are larger venues in Moscow that attract attention more frequently with high-profile events. Triangle, a permanent resident of the Winzavod since 2014, occupies a moderate space in the main building and seems to stay a little off to the side, like an observer and a chronicler. While other projects ceased to exist, changed names or simply left the main art hub, Triangle stayed in place and kept its finger on the pulse. By the gallery's exhibitions, you can reconstruct the history of Russian art of the last decade. Kirill Kto, Danila Tkachenko, Sasha Pirogova, Vtol, Valery Chtak, Krasil Makar turned from bright young artists into leaders of the generation, participants in the Venice Biennale and scandalous stars. The range of mediums presented at the exhibitions is also wide - photographs and videos, objects and street art, sculpture and science art. But painting has always occupied the main place.

"The favorite medium of collectors", for some - purely "commercial" art, oil on canvas remains a living language, progressive and responsive to global changes. Triangle focuses on current forms of modern painting: conceptual works by Kirill Kto and Krasil Makar; new figurative works by Tanya Bashlakova, Ilya Ovsyannikov and Olesya Rubeko; paintings in which the border between figure and abstraction fades from Russian artists Eva Arakcheeva, Kirill Makarov and Ivan Boyko, and, for example, from Chinese authors Jingge Dong and Zehui Xu.

International cooperation is a special achievement of Triangle. The gallery has a history of participation in international fairs - Artissima in Turin, Miart in Milan, viennacontemporary in Vienna, Loop in Barcelona, Zona Maco in Mexico City, Art Berlin in Berlin.The new exhibition in Moscow will feature artists from different regions of Russia (Kaliningrad , St. Petersburg, Moscow, Ekaterinburg) as well as artists from China and Italy. This lively art dialogue between Europe and Asia through Russia appears to be a symbol of hope in a time of disunity.

The intermediate result of ten years of work represents the Triangle as one of the most dynamic galleries in Moscow, maintaining a balance between established artists and fresh names, the development of Russian art and its inclusion in the global context. And the newest exhibition is not only a digest, but also a premiere of previously unseen works.

Alexander Merekin